• Please list the steps in constructing a subform.
These steps should be considered more of a checklist than a strict ordering. (Steps 4-9 may be done in any order.)
1) The Relation where your detail is entered will be the "subform" Relation. (Note that the subform and host form may be from the same Relation.)
2) Decide where you want the subform information displayed; that will be your "host form" Relation.
3) Determine the link between the host form and the subform - what field or Abacus on the host form will be matched against an equivalent field or Abacus on the subform. If there is no natural link between the two, a link can be forced using a display Abacus containing a "true" flag; then all of the subform entries will be considered a "match."
4) Index the link in the Host Relation.
5) OPTIONAL: Create an Open Query for the host form.
6) Index the link in the subform Relation.
TIP: If your link is on one field/Abacus, but you want the subform entries displayed in a different order, place that icon in the second hole of the Index. Example: Link is on "account number," but you want the list to be alphabetical by "name"? Then the linking Index should contain "account number" in the first hole, and "name" in the second hole.
7) OPTIONAL: Create an Open Query for the subform.
8) Construct a subform Template in the subform Relation. In addition to Data rectangles, the subform can contain labels, other subforms, Border rectangles, pictures, and line numbers (use the P# is Page Number feature). Don't forget the Repeat rectangle around whatever you want to "repeat."
Remember to click outside the page rectangle, then use the Trim command to "shrink-wrap" your fields. Finally, use the grow box to drag the Repeat rectangle out to the size that you need.
9) Construct the Host form. Place the subform Template outline on your host form by dragging out the subform icon. Close the Template.
10) Pull out a View icon. Open it, and define the subform by selecting:
the host form Template (upper left);
the subform Template;
the host form link;
the subform link/Index.
If you get lost, don't worry – just follow the "marching ants."
11) OPTIONAL: You may also select Queries for either/both the subform and host form, and an Index to determine the order in which Client form records will be displayed. The order in which subform entries are displayed depends on the linking Index selected.
12) Choose the Show Form command. You're ready to go!